On a printer with a cutter unit installed the cutter cannot be switched off to act as a printer without a cutter. It is not possible to manually tear-off a ticket in a printer with a cutter.

If you want to choose when or when not to cut the ticket after it has been printer you can do this by sending a command to the printer. This behavior is controlled by two types of print commands.

Behavior of print commands on printer with cutter

<p>print, feed to cutting position and cut
<q>print, ticket stays at the print head and is not cut

When the command <p> is used the printer will print and cut the ticket. When a <q> is used the ticket stays at the print head and is not cut, the printer expects a next ticket to be printed. This shows that the last ticket printed (in a job) must also have a <p> (print and cut) as print command.

Sample sequences

Cut each ticket:

Ticket data


Ticket data


Ticket data


Ticket data


Ticket data


Cut every second ticket:

Ticket data


Ticket data


Ticket data


Ticket data


Ticket data

<p>    Note: that the last ticket also gets a <p> as print command.

Cut only last ticket:

Ticket data


Ticket data


Ticket data


Ticket data


Ticket data


On printers without a cutter the same commands can be used without any problems. For these printers you must also use the <p> at the end of a batch to allow the ticket to be properly torn off.

Behavior of print commands on printer without cutter

<p>print, feed to tear-off position
<q>print, ticket stays at the print head (cannot tear off ticket)

This means that printer with or without a cutter unit can be mixed without the need of changing the print commands.