To print the euro sign you need to make sure that when sending ticket data to the printer, the data is formatted according to Code page 850. This is the way the resident fonts are stored in the printer. For the €-sign you need to send character value 213 (5Dh), which is the official way the €-sign is formatted in Code page 858. Code page 858 is the same as Code page 850, with the exception of value 213. The €-sign is only available in Font 8 and Font 13.

To send a value of 213 to the printer, you need to enter ALT+0213 in Windows. This will not display as a €-sign, but as Õ, the printer will print . This is because Windows uses a different Code page (1252) than the printer (850). 

When sending ticket data to the printer, you must try to make sure the data is formatted according to Code page 850. This is the way the resident fonts are stored in the printer. When the data can only be send in Windows 1252 formatting you can to let the printer translate the codepage 1252 to 850 using the translation table. You can set this up using the translation table commands