Learn how to communicate with your BOCA printer          

We have prepared a collection of code samples to demonstrate how to communicate bi-directionally with your printer with and without printer drivers on a variety of operating systems. We recommend that you test the sample code before making any modifications. The sample program allows the user to send a string or a file to the printer and then read the returning data and display it.

Please note that the sample codes are supplied as is and as a service.

Important notice

Microsoft plans to discontinue their usage of third party printer drivers over the next few years. In consideration of this, we plan to release a Windows SDK in spring 2025 to provide our customers with the opportunity to make a smooth transition to the new driverless platform. 

Mac and Linux SDK’s will follow shortly after.

Sample codes are available for:



zip  C# sample for all interfaces and FGL printer driver  

Apple OS X

Apple MacOS

zip  Xojo sample for direct communication with printer via USB HID and Ethernet  

zip  Xojo sample for use with FGL Printer driver  

zip  Xcode sample for use with FGL Printer driver  




tar-gz Xojo sample for Ethernet 


Apple iOS

Apple iOS

zip iOS SDK



zip Android SDK 




zip JavaSrcipt SDK 




pdf Java sample